We believe cultural exchange makes the world a better place.

The J-1 au pair program has made the world a more welcoming, understanding, and open place. It has changed countless lives for the better—and we hope it will continue to for generations to come.

As a supporter of our program, you have the power to preserve this program and the positive impact it brings to people's lives. We invite you to be inspired by our collection of stories, share your own experience if you are a host family or au pair and learn ways to take action in support of the au pair program.



Building Bridges

At heart, the au pair program is a cultural exchange program. The diplomacy-oriented goals of the program–which launched after World War II via the passage of the Fulbright-Hayes Act–are focused on creating meaningful cultural exchange opportunities and strong ties between citizens of this country and young people from around the world. The lasting international relationships that have been created over more than 30 years are a testament to the program’s continuing success.


The Lezon family welcomed 12 au pairs into their home over 12 years. When they decided to invite all of their former au pairs to a BBQ that promised lots of laughter, fun, food and games, 9 out of their 12 au pairs were able to attend—bringing along their families, friends, partners, and even some babies!


"I got to laugh and reminisce with the girls I grew up with—the sisters that helped me become who I am today."

–Kathleen, former host child

Twenty-one-year-old Kathleen LeBar—whose family hosted 12 au pairs during her childhood—took an unforgettable trip through Europe last summer to reconnect with 9 of her “au pair sisters” and sightsee in 20+ cities. 

Kathleen attributes her passion for travel to having so many
international caregivers while growing up. “For my parents and me, having au pairs has always been about welcoming someone new to become part of our family,” Kathleen says. Now, Kathleen has been welcomed into her former au pairs’ families, who made sure her journey through Europe was filled with laughter and love.



forging pathways of understanding

The au pair program provides American families with enriching cultural learning moments, as well as the opportunity to share American values and customs with the greater world.


"Being an au pair is remarkable because you get to help influence children. It was my belief that if I could convince a child in the USA that people from other cultures, countries and beliefs can be cool too, then I could change the world—because years from now, that child will grow up, have a family, and raise their children with the idea of tolerance, love and acceptance. Then, the world will be a better, different place."

—Melanie Ventura, au pair from Mexico


"In the spirit of cultural exchange, our au pair Jesper baked 200 Swedish cinnamon buns and gave a presentation about Sweden at the children’s school for International Day, and made a hundred Swedish meatballs for the school's staff appreciation luncheon. He has endured listening to the soundtrack of Mamma Mia on numerous occasions. He has endured the US presidential election season in a split party household and provided us with a very different cultural perspective on immigration.

Jesper has been exceptionally open-minded about our culture and our expectations for our children, accepting every criticism and correction ungrudgingly and always trying to do better the next time."

—Jennifer Van Denbergh and Daniel Curry, host parents in New York



Empowering American families

The portrait of the modern working family in America is shifting. Hosting an au pair has enabled American families, many of which have two working parents, to succeed in both their work and home life responsibilities.

Taiwanese au pair Angie Huang, pictured above with her host kids Cora and Sybil.

Taiwanese au pair Angie Huang, pictured above with her host kids Cora and Sybil.

"When balancing two working parent's careers with the two very young children, life feels anything but predictable. My husband and I were sinking beneath the weight of trying to do it all. They say it takes a village and that is no cliché—finding the right support and childcare at times has felt insurmountable.

Before we met our au pair Angie, we never thought that it would be possible to have peace of mind. Now, we thank our lucky stars every day. She is the prototype for what makes the au pair program unique and wonderful. She is not only amazing with our kids, but she has made for the best cultural exchange experience that we could ever have imagined."

—Daysun Chang, host mom in New York