The Donehoo Family & their au pair Julia

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Dear Julia,

As you know, our family has been blessed with three wonderful boys. While we are very happy with our boys, we always wanted to have a girl. What we never expected was that our family would finally have our girl....but that she would be an eighteen year-old from Hannover, Germany.

When you joined our family, we told you that saying good-bye would be difficult. Our quote was, "If we are all not crying, then we were the wrong host-family for you." The crying definitely took place from all of us. The hard part was the kick in the gut watching you walk through security at the airport. Our daughter was gone. It still makes our eyes well up with tears to type these words. We love you so much and cannot wait for you to come home someday.

Thank you for an amazing year Julia. Our boys thrived having you as their au pair. Our family is a happier when you are with us. We miss you more than you can ever imagine. Best of luck at University. You are going to do great things in the world Julia Brockmeyer!

Love and hugs from your host family,

Bill, Cindy, Teige, Brenn and Finn

Submitted by Bill Donehoo, host dad in Illinois