The Sande Family & their au pair Debi

Cultural Care Au Pair Debi from Hungary

2018 Au Pair of the Year Finalist

Debi, au pair from Hungary, living in Minnesota

Debi is a unique combination of calm, thoughtful, and kind with incredibly playful and witty. She entered our home life seamlessly. She really is a member of the family. Debi cooks incredible Hungarian meals and it is always restaurant good. For Sam's first birthday, the girls crafted a felt birthday crown that Sam rocked so proudly all day and they secretly made him the most incredible artwork that displays a sweet Hungarian children's poem in both Hungarian and English, with some incredible paper art. We love hearing about Debi's culture and family and she is always willing to share a fun new word, or cultural and family traditions that are special to her.

Submitted by the Sande family, host family in Minnesota

See all of the top 10 finalist of Au Pair of the Year 2018