The Merkel Family & their au pair Thami

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2018 Host Family of the Year Finalist

The Merkel family, a host family in Minnesota

From the beginning, the Merkel family welcomed me to their loving home and made me feel as part of their family. Liz and Brian have done so much for me during this year that it is hard to put everything in words. Some of the most important things though, were all the small gestures during my year. All the coffees that Liz brought home, all the patience to help me with English grammar, all the proud faces when I got myself to the gym with her and she even rescheduled a work meeting to a Brazilian restaurant so I could taste some food from home once! Also the big important things such as respecting my different beliefs and cultures and trusting me with their most precious treasures!

Submitted by Thami, Cultural Care au pair from Brazil

See all of the top 10 finalists for the 2018 Host Family of the Year Award