The Rowley family and their au pair, Daniela


2020 Au Pair of the Year

Nominated by their au pair, Daniela

“Daniela has raised the bar for au pairs everywhere.  There are good au pairs, there are even some really great au pairs, and then there is Dani, a category all onto her own.

Dani joined our family with 3 children in March of 2018.  We have a bustling household like any other – children with limitless energy, making lots of noise and endlessly vying to be the one in the spotlight. It can be overwhelming to feel pulled in multiple directions by high-pitched needy voices throughout the day but not Dani, she saw the chaos as her mandate to control and calm and more than rose to the occasion.”

- Submitted by the Rowley family of Columbia, South Carolina

Click here to read the Rowley family’s entire essay nominating Daniela for Au Pair of the Year