The Walker Family & their au pair Gugu

Cultural Care Au Pair Gugu from South Africa

2018 Au Pair of the Year Finalist

Gugu, au pair from South Africa, living in Maryland

I remember the day I picked Gugu up from the bus stop. When she got off the bus, she ran over, and gave me the biggest and most loving hug. It was as if I was reunited with a long lost family member. She brought everyone in our family a piece of traditional Zulu clothing. It was such a thoughtful and unique gift that we will cherish for years to come. We found a South African food market in the US that will ship traditional foods and snacks to our home and have enjoyed trying all of the new foods Gugu has introduced us to. She is always willing to try something new with our family. Whether it’s going to a local Renaissance Festival, an outdoor symphony concert, eating Maryland blue crabs with firefighters, visiting the Atlantic Ocean, going to an ice sculpture exhibit in 9-degree weather, exploring college campuses, Gugu finds fun in everything she does.

Submitted by the Walker family, host family in Maryland

See all of the top 10 finalist of Au Pair of the Year 2018