The Pradel Family & their au pair Jannic

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2018 Au Pair of the Year Finalist

Jannic, au pair from Germany, living in Massachusetts

Jannic Herrmann is a very special young man who has added so much to our family dynamic: Big brother, trusted friend and confidant, in-house soccer coach, and so much more. One of the best things about having a male au pair is the role model he sets for our boys in terms of being a loving caregiver who just happens to be a guy. When it was Marc’s turn to be “Star of the Week” in his classroom, he selected Jannic to be his special guest. They taught the other kids how to make origami animals, one of their favorite activities to do together. He has many of our friend’s children asking if they can have their own bro pair!

Submitted by the Pradel family, host family in Massachusetts

See all of the top 10 finalist of Au Pair of the Year 2018