The Meaders Family & their au pair Gaelle


2018 Host Family of the Year Finalist

The Meaders family, a host family in Utah

Since the beginning and through every situation, my family helps me, shares with me, teaches me as much as they can, and pushes me to fulfil my dreams…they love me. I believe that it is the little things that count the most. My family taking me on trips everywhere and also letting me go on my own whenever I want to, it’s them moving heaven and earth to find me a ‘buche de Noel’, them running downtown to buy me a brioche when I’m sick because that’s the only food I want. It’s all the conversations are the fire, all the shows we watch together and all the activities we do. It’s me on the Christmas cars, them craving my crepes for breakfast and so many more things. I also believe that home is more of a feeling than a place and they really made me feel like this. They are my home.

Submitted by Gaelle, Cultural Care au pair from France

See all of the top 10 finalists for the 2018 Host Family of the Year Award