The Cirnigliaro Family & their au pair Melanie

Cultural Care Au Pair Melanie from Mexico

2018 Au Pair of the Year Finalist

Melanie, au pair from Mexico, living in Massachusetts

It is impossible for us to imagine an au pair more marvelous or who has had a greater impact on their host family, their community, Cultural Care, and her home country than Melanie has had. She’s smart, creative, responsible, and unshakably optimistic. She is the boys’ perfect big sister: funny, caring, loving, and mature. In addition to all the time she spends with us, she still somehow finds the time and energy to care for so many others in the community. She is amazingly active in the au pair community and in charity work. By offering custom illustrations in return for donations, she raised over $5,000 dollars to help Mexico recover from the earthquakes earlier this year. This effort was highlighted on a local news program here in Boston. Melanie was pleased about this exposure because it not only helped her raise funds, but also painted au pairs and immigrants in a positive light – a personal objective of hers that in part drove her decision to come to the US.

Melanie is a true member of our family and we believe that she was meant to be here.

Submitted by the Cirnigliaro family, host family in Massachusetts

See all of the top 10 finalist of Au Pair of the Year 2018