The Fuentes Family & their au pair Nathalia

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2018 Au Pair of the Year Finalist

Nathalia, au pair from Brazil, living in Tennessee

We are nominating Nathalia for Au Pair of the Year for the second year. Our first year with Naty was amazing, and our second is even better. She is charming, loving and patient. Zander and Kate adore Naty as much (if not more) than we do. She is courageous and daring, and willing to tackle the unknown. Naty also has an easy sense about her - she takes life in strides and easily finds the joy around her. We are proud and grateful that Naty is a member of our family. She cannot get rid of us, and we fully expect that our future holds trips to Brazil and hers trips back to the United States.

Submitted by the Fuentes family, host family in Tennessee

See all of the top 10 finalist of Au Pair of the Year 2018