The Cirnigliaro Family & their au pair Melanie

Cultural Care Au Pair Melanie from Mexico

2018 Au Pair of the Year Finalist

Melanie, au pair from Mexico, living in Massachusetts

It is impossible for us to imagine an au pair more marvelous or who has had a greater impact on their host family, their community, Cultural Care, and her home country than Melanie has had. She’s smart, creative, responsible, and unshakably optimistic. She is the boys’ perfect big sister: funny, caring, loving, and mature. In addition to all the time she spends with us, she still somehow finds the time and energy to care for so many others in the community. She is amazingly active in the au pair community and in charity work. By offering custom illustrations in return for donations, she raised over $5,000 dollars to help Mexico recover from the earthquakes earlier this year. This effort was highlighted on a local news program here in Boston. Melanie was pleased about this exposure because it not only helped her raise funds, but also painted au pairs and immigrants in a positive light – a personal objective of hers that in part drove her decision to come to the US.

Melanie is a true member of our family and we believe that she was meant to be here.

Submitted by the Cirnigliaro family, host family in Massachusetts

See all of the top 10 finalist of Au Pair of the Year 2018 

The Meaders Family & their au pair Gaelle


2018 Host Family of the Year Finalist

The Meaders family, a host family in Utah

Since the beginning and through every situation, my family helps me, shares with me, teaches me as much as they can, and pushes me to fulfil my dreams…they love me. I believe that it is the little things that count the most. My family taking me on trips everywhere and also letting me go on my own whenever I want to, it’s them moving heaven and earth to find me a ‘buche de Noel’, them running downtown to buy me a brioche when I’m sick because that’s the only food I want. It’s all the conversations are the fire, all the shows we watch together and all the activities we do. It’s me on the Christmas cars, them craving my crepes for breakfast and so many more things. I also believe that home is more of a feeling than a place and they really made me feel like this. They are my home.

Submitted by Gaelle, Cultural Care au pair from France

See all of the top 10 finalists for the 2018 Host Family of the Year Award

The Lorenz Family & their au pair Natalie

Cultural Care Au Pair

2018 Host Family of the Year Finalist

The Lorenz family, a host family in Colorado

I know there are plenty of great host families out there, but I must have won the host family jackpot! They have gone above and beyond all my expectations and have made my time in the United States unforgettable. One of my favorite memories with my host family is my Name Day, which happened on December 21. Celebrating a Name Day is a Czech tradition. Every day there is a name in the calendar and all the people that have that name get to celebrate a Name Day. My host family caught me off guard this year! I did not expect to get anything at all, and so when they all came into my room, bringing special treats and gifts for me saying ‘Happy Name Day!’ I was surprised! My heart was so happy and I felt very special and loved!

Submitted by Natalie, Cultural Care au pair from Czech Republic

See all of the top 10 finalists for the 2018 Host Family of the Year Award

The Merkel Family & their au pair Thami

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2018 Host Family of the Year Finalist

The Merkel family, a host family in Minnesota

From the beginning, the Merkel family welcomed me to their loving home and made me feel as part of their family. Liz and Brian have done so much for me during this year that it is hard to put everything in words. Some of the most important things though, were all the small gestures during my year. All the coffees that Liz brought home, all the patience to help me with English grammar, all the proud faces when I got myself to the gym with her and she even rescheduled a work meeting to a Brazilian restaurant so I could taste some food from home once! Also the big important things such as respecting my different beliefs and cultures and trusting me with their most precious treasures!

Submitted by Thami, Cultural Care au pair from Brazil

See all of the top 10 finalists for the 2018 Host Family of the Year Award

The Keller Family & their au pair Tori


2018 Host Family of the Year Finalist

The Keller family, a host family in Washington

This family is not my ‘host’ family, they are my real family and will always be a big part of my life. I have grown the biggest attachment to 3 lovely children, I love Hazel, Quentin and Arthur as if they are my own children. They never fail to put a smile on my face. I never knew I could learn so much from someone way younger than me, but each day I learn something new and am always impressed by these children. When I’m feeling homesick they do everything possible to help me feel better. Last Christmas, Alison and Jeremy looked up Christmas traditions in Australia to make sure I had a little bit of home with me. I even got my own stocking with my name on it!

My goal is to come back each year and have Thanksgiving with them, no matter how much it costs, I’ll work hard until I have reached my goal. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for this family. They say home is where the heart is, and a big piece of my heart is here with them.

Submitted by Tori, Cultural Care au pair from Australia

See all of the top 10 finalists for the 2018 Host Family of the Year Award

The Conklin Family & their au pair Aleksandra

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2018 Host Family of the Year Finalist

The Conklin family, a host family in Virginia

The Conklin family stole my heart from the beginning. They are very supportive and make me feel as a part of the family. I am always invited to different kinds of family events, birthday parties, Thanksgiving celebration, Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Every day we sit by the table and eat dinner together, which is my favorite part of the day. It also reminds me of dinner with my family back in Poland. I love that they are so involved in cultural exchange and they always show me typical things, traditions or meals from the United States. They’re very curious of Polish traditions too!

I am the happiest au pair in the world that I am spending my time in the United States with the Conklin family.

Submitted by Aleksandra, Cultural Care au pair from Poland

See all of the top 10 finalists for the 2018 Host Family of the Year Award

The Walters Family & their au pair Shandrae

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2018 Host Family of the Year Finalist

The Walters family, a host family in Washington

From the very first night I had arrived, I was welcomed with open arms and huge smiles. Brought to the house, I now proudly call my home. I entered my new bedroom to find little gifts and precious treasures, such as pictures of my loved ones from my country and pictures drawn by my host kids to welcome me to the family. Tears clouded my eyes as I hugged my host mom. I felt at home.

As much as they have taught me, my host family has also afforded me the opportunity to be a part of their family. They allowed me to pursue my dream of working with children, which is my passion. They let me into their amazing life that also consists of my other passions, theatre and art

Submitted by Shandrae, Cultural Care au pair from South Africa

See all of the top 10 finalists for the 2018 Host Family of the Year Award

The Tolleson Family & their au pair Toni

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2018 Host Family of the Year Finalist

The Tolleson family, a host family in North Carolina

I have spent the last year and a half with the amazing Tolleson family and not one day has passed where I haven’t felt accepted, loved and like part of their craziness. I can’t even put all the exciting things I have experienced with them into words. We’ve been on family vacation, have had the craziest karaoke parties, summer days on the lake, snow days with movie night, ran a 5K together and had hotel room dance parties. Their door was always open for my family from Germany too!

Ella Grace, Emilie and Savannah Kate as so much more than my host kids – they are my siblings! I would’ve never imaged how much three kids can change my life and how much they can teach me! Those girls show me every day what unconditional love is when they shower me with hugs and kisses. They teach me how to appreciate the small things in life and they even made a picky eater like me try new foods!

Submitted by Toni, Cultural Care au pair from Germany

See all of the top 10 finalists for the 2018 Host Family of the Year Award

The Kim Family & their au pair Kenat

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2018 Host Family of the Year Finalist

The Kim family, a host family in Washington

Nobody can prepare you for all the laughs, love, happiness, tears, and unique experiences that you will have with the people that had not only opened the door of the house, but also had opened the doors to her hearts. I could never forget that just after a few weeks of knowing me, we were walking to a place for one of our ‘special dates’ as an ‘auntie’ and a niece, and Noa suddenly looked at me and said, ‘You’re my best friend, Just like Eomma (mom in Korean) and Appa (dad in Korean) and Rhys, you’re my family!’. I will admit that I almost cried just hearing that special little voice and seeing that unique smile – and that was before the ice cream!

This is greater than just studying abroad and improving your English; it is even more than just traveling around America or the world. It is about having the opportunity to discover the most invaluable human beings far away from home and calling them ‘family’.

Submitted by Kenat, Cultural Care au pair from Mexico

See all of the top 10 finalists for the 2018 Host Family of the Year Award

The Schwartz Family & their au pair Iris

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2018 Host Family of the Year Finalist

The Schwartz family, a host family in Maryland

My host family respects me, treats me well, makes me happy and especially makes me feel at home, makes me feel like family. There are so many stories and so many moments. One story is that they are Jewish, that is, they do not celebrate Christmas, but I am Christian and for me Christmas is a very important date, out of respect for my religion, they are planning to make a Christmas dinner because it’s an important holiday for me and they want to be a part of it. My eyes fill with tears at the thought of it, how amazing they are and how good they make me feel.

Submitted by Iris, Cultural Care au pair from Brazil

See all of the top 10 finalists for the 2018 Host Family of the Year Award